fredag 11 april 2014

Elisabeth Warren and the fate of America

There is only one hope for America as I currently see the situation, and that is the very intelligent senator for Massachusetts, Elistabeth Warren. Former Professor with a focus on consumer protection, this honst and strong women is precisly what America needs. There are no other people in my mind that would represent the American people, Hilary Clintons unsatisfied desire for power probably cause her to be even more promiscuous toward the demand of the private interests, one million dollars in adds here or there, two votes for a bill there, an even trade.

As a non-American I am absolutley flabergasted that someone like Chris Christie can be so obviously guilty of abusing poltitical power and still be a condender for the position of president. This would never have happend where I come from, it is a sign that people just dont care anymore. The problem is that the influence of American politics extend far beyond its geographical and demographical boarders, to its allys primarily, and to its enemies as well. That there are serious politicians with such disregard for the democratic process is disgusting, we need a new witch hunt on these people. We need to show them that even if the media still accepts them, the people dont. We need to hunt down their contributers and their puppets, one of them being Christie, and tell them that if they try to put their greasy capitalist fingers into the demoractic political process once more we will cut off their hands. The people have the ultimate power, money can buy guns, but it cant buy people to carry those guns if those people care more about their country than their own short term finanical well being. 

I wish you all luck in solving your problems America, and if Senator Warren runs for president I will start raising funds in Europe for her campagin as this is in the interest not only of America, not only Europe, but the whole world.

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