söndag 3 januari 2016

Stephen Colbert´s fall from grace

It is becoming increasingly clear that Stephen of the Late Night show will not maintain the same comedic standard as the Stephen from the Colbert Report. Together with more editorial control (I suppose CBS are more constrained in what they let on air than Comedy Central, the home of Southpark) and inheriting Letterman´s old audience, Stephen felt the need to adapt his comedy to a broader audience, making it rather dull in comparison to the Colbert report.

In finding his persona on the Late Night show, his real person, the real Colbert, we also get a feel for his catholicism, his rather non-progressive and leninent attitude to establishment politicians. The liberty the Colbert Report provided is shining with its absence. It is sad to see a great comedian become establishment medocrity. Greater editorial control to Stephen and a non-condescending attitude to Lettermans viewers could remedy the issues, yet I doubt Stephen has the balls to go through with that.

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